EVA Furniture

How to Clean Laminate Floors in 3 Easy Steps

How to Clean Laminate Floors – Have you recently beautified your home by purchasing a different type of floor and are now wondering how to clean laminate floors ? If this is you, then you should be rest assured that I will show you how to get this type of floor cleaned and looking its best. When it comes to cleaning your floors, your options are endless because laminate floors are so easy to clean and maintain compared to hardwood floors, tile, or even carpet.

Step One – How to Clean Laminate Floors

Sweep Every Day – Because there is so much dust and debris that falls on the floor each day, you should sweep every day. The best time is probably at night when everyone is gone to bed and the foot traffic has slowed down. This will allow you to get to the higher traffic areas of your home. Even though you may have some rooms that are not used as much, there will be dust particles that will get on the floor from your air vents, so make sure that you also clean the floor in those rooms. While you may not have to do it everyday you should at least do it 2-3 times a week.

Step Two – How to Clean Laminate Floors

Mop Once a Week – There are definitely some things that a simple duster or broom will not pick up. Sometimes we step on things that rub into the floors and are harder to get with a broom, so the only way to get it off of your floor is to mop it up. When moping, you can use a micro fiber mop which is soft and will not damage your floors. In fact, you should stay away from mops that are made out of harder material and can scratch the floors. Make sure to ring the mop a couple of times before you mop because you don’t want to damage the laminate floors by having excessive water.

Step Three – How to Clean Laminate Floors

Use an Eco-Friendly Solution – There are a ton of products that are being promoted these days. You know, those “This is the best thing to clean your floors with” type of products, when indeed you can just look in your cabinets and grab the white vinegar and you can make your own. You can mix a cup of vinegar with warm, steamy water. Add a few drops of lemon to get rid of the vinegar smell and if you have a lot of harder to get things on the floor, you can add just a drop of dish detergent. Mix it well and you are good to go!

Now that you know how to clean your laminate floors thoroughly, make sure that you maintain them. Keep hard, scratchy objects from piercing into the floors and make sure that you always clean up any spills right away.